San Miguel Cuitlacoche, 420gm


8 in stock

This corn truffle is a 100% Mexican product. It’s made from the unharmful funghi that grows on the corn. This funghi causes degeneration on the corn that produces bigger black-purple grains with a softer texture. Huitlacoche has an earthy, smoky taste, often described as a taste between mushrooms and corn. Huitlacoche (pronounced whee-tla-KOH-cheh) is also called the Mexican caviar.

Huitlacoche has many uses, and its earthy flavor gives you options to put it into dishes as well as sauces. You can pair it with chicken, beef and, surprise, more corn! It goes brilliantly with cheese, especially in quesadillas. In a way, you can think of pairing huitlacoche with items that you would normally add mushrooms to, and beyond. Typically you can prepare Huitlacoche by sautƩing and incorporating it into sauces or dishes for its earthy flavor.

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